Many of us lead busy lives…

Prioritizing family, careers, and recreation, and forget about planning time to do the deep work of caring for the core of who we are and the life experiences that left us reeling. We cry a few tears, punish our bodies in physical pursuits in order to exorcise the pain, meditate in order to find peace, and push those heartbreaks, failures and disappointments behind a locked door in our minds and consider ourselves healed…except we aren’t. We choose to forget and keep it moving. Meanwhile, all of those toxic emotions leak out into our subconscious and become part of our thought processes, affecting the decisions and choices we make, often with the same results, and the cycle repeats itself again and again. Why? Because we haven’t done the deep work of healing. It affects how we feel about ourselves, how we feel about others, and how we feel about the foundations on which we built our lives, yet these feelings are unacknowledged because doing the work brings painful truths difficult for us to face. Until we acknowledge and take the time to work through these toxic emotions, we will find ourselves feeling a deep dissatisfaction, regardless of the success we have outwardly garnered.

The purpose of Carina’s World is to encourage all of us to do the work so we become the complete and healthy whole we were always meant to be.

About the Author

Hi, I’m Cheryl Stallworth DBA Carina Lynne. My professional life includes military service, state and federal governments. I’ve always enjoyed writing and for years worked on novels which I never tried to publish because they weren’t ‘perfect.’ Life experience has changed my focus a bit, though, and my journey has brought me to this place, telling me it’s time to heal. This pandemic has changed all of us, but what has resonated most with me: each day is a gift and we must be purposeful in living our lives to the full, caring for ourselves and others as God intended. Much love and blessings to you all!

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