Life Is…

Well. It’s been some time since I’ve been here and so much has happened. Life. Life is happening. One decision followed by another and another and, suddenly, your life is reshaping in a way you may never have considered.

Life is…

If ten different people ended that statement based on their experience, we’d probably have ten different answers, and they would all probably be correct. Life is…so much more than any of us could ever fully explain.

It’s exciting! It’s chaotic. It’s day to day, yet moment to moment, spent being, doing, thinking. It’s loving, hating, happy and sad. In this life, we achieve, we fail, we win, we lose. Most of all, as each moment arrives and we’re still here, we continue to live, to be, to let go, to hold on, to get up and move, or wait until it ends.

We can choose how we live in every moment of our lives. I have found peace in accepting that there are more things in this life I have no control over than things I do. I have found happiness in the littlest things because, sometimes, that is all we have.

I challenge you to find one thing in every day to be happy about or to make peace with. There’s a joy that comes with peace and living a life filled with gratitude that is…enlightening and life affirming!

Until next time, be well!

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