The Lamp and the Light

Do you know where you are now? Not the place or the time. No, I’m speaking about the space you occupy inside. All that makes up you. We live in a world with information overload. It’s just coming at us from right to left and top to bottom. Information that twists us up inside, manipulating our emotions with half-truths, quarter truths, or maybe no truths at all, confusing, hurtful things. Not to mention whatever we are dealing with in our personal lives. So, I ask again, and this time, I invite you to consider the question in terms of your mind, your will, your spirit, your state of being, and the direction you are going.

Do you know where you are now, at this moment?

Brace yourself. I’m coming at you from a spiritual perspective, but it encompasses the entirety of your being. You see, there is a verse I always include in my conversations with GOD. Psalms 119:105 says: Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

Why a lamp to my feet? Because the lamp shines a light on where I am at any moment. If we don’t know where we are, how or who we are, how can we be sure where we are going? Do we even have a direction? Wandering aimlessly is a sure way of never reaching the destination of our dreams. Taking stock of where we are at any given moment isn’t a one-time event. It’s an ongoing process because this is a journey we are on, the journey of each of our lives here on this earth.

Of course, the lamp is just for where we are now, where we stand in our journey. The second part of that verse says that His word is a light unto my path. My path. Your path. The light shines on our path so we can see where we are going. That means our walk in this life is meant to be purposeful. Each of us has gifts and talents given to us, not for ourselves alone, but to make this world a better place for us all. We can only do that if we know where we are now and where we are going. Yes, we stumble off the path. We lose our way, get lost. Sadly, sometimes we feel we don’t have an opportunity to find our way again.

No, I do not know what your journey entails. But it does start with having a foundation on which to build. I think it’s pretty apparent that my foundation is my faith in GOD, His Son JESUS CHRIST, and the power of the HOLY SPIRIT. Understand, this does not mean I have never lost my way, fallen on my face, or been hurt. It does mean, though, that the light of His Word is always there inside me to show me the way back, should I choose to follow Him.

I hope each of you finds, or has, your lamp, your light, and your way of making a difference in this world. The size of the difference, who it affects, does not matter. If we each touched just one person in some helpful way with an attitude of humility, empathy, and kindness, we would be helping to make this world a better place for us all.

Until next time, take care!

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